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Download Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Manfaat Hidup Sehat (Speech Healthy Living Benefit)

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Manfaat Hidup Sehat
(Healthy Living Benefit)
Oleh : Royanti

Assalamualaikum wr wb

the esteemed my respected teachers and friends I’m proud of first of all let us say praise and thanksgiving to the Almighty God who gave grace and guidance to us all so that we can gather in this place, I say many thanks for the opportunity that given to me to deliver a speech entitled “HEALTHY LIVING BENEFIT”.

Dear Ladies and gentleman
To obtain a healthy body, not necessarily with high-paced lifestyle. Because it can be done without the cost of expensive. All can be obtained easily and inexpensively. Healthy life must begin with small changes first.

The few things we have to do, it’s pretty simple. You only need to do the following three basic steps:

First step. Sports. It is the easiest thing to do for our bodies to stay healthy. The type of exercise we do to help the burning metabolism in the body. The benefits of exercise are:
-            Reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
-            Improving the ability to move.
-            Prevent osteoporosis.
-            Improving the ability of the brain in older people.

Step two. Perform stretching exercises. You can lose weight, without having to do heavy exercise. The following are activities to do stretching exercises.
-           Turn off your television. Play with friends, family. Any activity than sitting silent while watching television.
-           Take a walk. Try to take the time to walk away. No matter how long and how much. Do the activities of the home. Doing activities at home such as cleaning floors, trim and sweeping the house or yard.
-           Walk a little when you talk. Suppose you’re calling someone or talk to someone else, do it while running small.

Step three. Eat enough. Eating a balanced diet and enough is one of support for a healthy life. The foods that must be listed on your menu as follows:
Eat more fruits.
    To consume more vegetables.
    Eat foods that are low in fat.
    Preparing a meal replacement. For example, fish replaced meat, rice replacing wheat and vice versa.
–     To make our lives healthier, make small changes first. So that we are better equipped to develop healthy living programs are more structured.

And if someone has done and adopting a healthy lifestyle will benefit, namely:
1.     Can sleep soundly
2.    Can work more optimally and improve the performance of
3.    Learn best
4.    Positive thinking and healthy
5.    Feeling peaceful, comfortable and at ease
6.    Having a healthy appearance
7.    Get a life and good social interaction
8.    More confident
9.    Save money on health
10. Avoid the disease

It is obvious that by making healthy life style, many benefits to be gained. So at the end of the conversation, let us maintain a healthy body with a healthy life style.

Dear Ladies and gentleman

That’s all I have to say a speech, apologize if there are flaws in my speech. Wabillahi Taufik Wal Hidayah, Wassalamualaikum WR.WB.

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